Based on a recommendation from my wife (via Michael Hyatt’s Twitter feed) and from the podcast by “Relentless Roger and The Caveman Doctor,” I recently read a post at Lifehacker on Jerry Seinfeld’s Productivity Secret. It turns out that his secret is incredibly simple and effective. Basically Jerry identifies some task or behavior that is important for him to perform. He hangs a calendar on his wall and then marks a red X on each day where he has completed that activity. In Jerry’s case it is writing jokes. After a while he has a string of red Xs. His advice then is simply:
Don’t Break the Chain!
After a couple of years of sporadically working on my first book, I decided the time had come to get serious. Since I travel quite a bit, I printed out a calendar I can take with me. On May 1st I began rising at 5 AM to write. I write for at least an hour, but often for an hour and a half. I permit myself no sleeping in on the weekends and no excuses because of travel.
This is a photo of my calendar from two days ago.

Don’t Break the Chain
This morning’s writing session made it seventeen in a row for me. I am now in a groove, and I do not hesitate to get up when the alarm goes off. The corgis are not quite sure what to make of it yet, but they will figure it out in time. Of course, by about 9 PM I am starting to think about sleep, but that’s OK.
I am really making progress, and I do not want to break the chain. Thank you Mr. Seinfeld for something so simple and effective.
What project could you move forward with Seinfeld’s calendar approach?
Nice idea! Thanks for sharing!! And, good luck with the writing, I do think that you have a gift for it.
Thanks, Chris. It’s not exactly The Four Hour Work Week, but it is certainly moving the ball down the field, first down by first down. I appreciate your stopping by the blog and all the time we get to talk about our respective Forward Stories.