In his excellent book Hope and Despair: How Perceptions of the Future Shape Human Behavior, Anthony Reading discusses human behavior that he terms present-oriented behavior. As the term implies, this is behavior with little regard for tomorrow. It is concerned with the present.
People who are in the grips of addiction engage in destructive present-oriented behavior habitually. Whether it is alcohol, drugs, tobacco, eating, sex or any other addiction, the desire for gratification today trumps any concern for consequences in the future. Not all present-oriented behavior is destructive.
Now, it is true that we literally live in the present. Therefore, all of our behavior takes place in the present. There is nothing wrong with enjoying life and pleasure. When I attend the Rose Bowl and cheer for my team, I am most definitely engaged in present-oriented behavior, and I love it. Let’s call that non-destructive present-oriented behavior. Of course, if taken to an extreme, even this kind of behavior could become destructive.
However, some of the actions we do in the present have a purpose other than current pleasure and satisfaction.
It is this second type of behavior we will introduce in the next post. Can you guess what it is?
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